Seize the iron while it's hot!

(Use these phrases to make your English more idiomatic and colorful!)

The chips are starting to crumble! Let the chips fall where they may + that's the way the cookie crumbles (?)
seize the iron while it's hot strike while the iron is hot + seize the day(?)
bite the bull by the horns bite the bullet + take the bull by the horns
at the drop of a bucket at the drop of a hat + a drop in the bucket
it's in your ballpark the ball is in your court + in the right ballpark
the fatal flaw in the ointment the fatal flaw (in your argument) + the fly in the ointment
put up a fit put up a fight + have a fit
jumping at the bit jumping at the chance + champing at the bit
a spit's throw within spitting distance + a stone's throw
go with the program go with the flow + get with the program
it's no skin off their teeth no skin off their nose + by the skin of their teeth
You've buttered your bread, now lie in it. ? + you've made your bed, now lie in it
don't get carried off the deep end don't get carried away + going off the deep end
We'll burn that bridge when we come to it. burn bridges + cross that bridge when we come to it.
He's back with a clean bill of slate. He's back with a clean bill of health + A clean slate.
that's gravy on the cake that's gravy + that's icing on the cake.
you're a better man, Charlie Brown you're a better man than I, Gunga Din + you're a good man, Charlie Brown
That dotcom has gone down the pan That dotcom has gone down the drain + That dotcom is a flash in the pan.
Always biting the hand that lays the golden egg. biting the hand that feeds + killing the goose that lays the golden eggs
That hits the ticket. That hits the spot + just the ticket
That fits the bill. That fills the bill + fits
Getting back in the hang of it. Getting back in the swing of it + Getting the hang of it.
Fall off the bandwagon. Fall off the wagon + Jump on the bandwagon.
I'd give my right teeth. I'd give my right arm + I'd give my eye teeth.
Don't go barking up a dead horse Don't go barking up the wrong tree + Don't beat a dead horse
It blew my breath away It blew my mind + It took my breath away
It revived its head It revived itself + It raised its head
Pops its head Pops up + Raised its head
Run for your wind Run for your life + Run like the wind
Gone over the deep edge Gone off the deep end + Gone over the edge
A straw too many The straw that broke the camel's back + One too many
going around the pass going around the bend + going over the pass
catch a gander catch a glimpse + take a gander
triggers a bell triggers a response + rings a bell
he's got his ass together he's got his act together + he's got his ass in gear
This is not rocket surgery! This is not rocket science + This is not brain surgery
You're dead meat in the water! You're dead meat + You're dead in the water
The whole ball of works The whole ball of wax + The whole works
Keep your nose to the ground Keep your nose to the grindstone + Keep your ear to the ground