Need conditions on `C` and `\cD` to make these possible
Each input `z=(x_1,\ldots,x_n)`, where
`x_i` are all real values, or
`x_i` are all points in the plane
Particular proof structure is a particular way
to model work that a correct algorithm must do
A comparison yields at most one bit of information
Under these conditions: comparison-based algorithms, proof-carrying output, product distributions...
Sorting | Delaunay Triangulation |
Intervals `(x_i, x_{i'})` containing no values of `z` | Delaunay disks |
Typical set `V` | Range space `\epsilon`-net `V` [MSW90, CV07], Ranges are disks, `\epsilon = 1/n` |
`\log n` training sample points per bucket | `\log n` training sample points per disk |
Expect `O(1)` values of `z` in each bucket | Expect `O(1)` points in each D. disk of `V` |
Entropy-optimal search trees `T_i` | Entropy-optimal planar point location `T_i` [AMMW07] |
Sorted within each bucket yields `f_S(V \cup z)` in `O(n)` |
Triangulated within each small region yields `f_T(V \cup z)` in `O(n)` |
Removal of `V` from sorted `V \cup z` (trivial) | Build `f_T(z)` from `f_T(V \cup z)` [ChDHMST02] |
In analysis: merge of `f_S(V)` and `f_S(z)` to get `f_S(V\cup z)` | In analysis: merge of `f_T(V)` and `f_T(z)` to get `f_T(V\cup z)` [Ch92] |
In analysis: recover buckets `b_i` from sorted `f_S(V \cup z)` (trivial) | In analysis: recover triangles `b_i` in `f_T(z)` from `f_T(V \cup z)` |
`x_1,\ldots,x_{n/2}` are fixed (singleton distributions)
`x_1,\ldots,x_{n/2}` are fixed (singleton distributions)
`x_1,\ldots,x_{n/2}` are fixed (singleton distributions)