\( \newcommand\norm[1]{|| #1 ||} \newcommand\nnz[1]{{\textrm{nnz}(#1)}} \newcommand\E{\mathbf{E}} \newcommand\Dist{\mathbf{Dist}} \newcommand\reals{{\mathrm{I\!R}}} \newcommand\R{{\mathrm{I\!R}}} \newcommand\poly{{\textrm{poly}}} \newcommand\rank{{\textrm{rank}}} \newcommand\colspan{{\textrm{range}}} \newcommand\diam{{\textrm{diam}}} \newcommand\polylog{{\textrm{polylog}}} \newcommand\rowspan{{\textrm{rowspan}}} \newcommand\colbasis{{\textrm{colbasis}}} \newcommand\argmin{{\mathrm{argmin}}} \newcommand\Err{{\mathtt{NE}}} \newcommand\eps{{\epsilon}} \newcommand\bfone{{\mathbf{1}}} \newcommand\Var{{\mathbf{Var}}} \newcommand\stdev[1]{{\mathbf{stdev(#1)}}} \newcommand\cgf{{\mathbf{CGF}}} \newcommand\bfone{{\mathbb{1}}} \newcommand\Iden{{\mathbf{I}}} \newcommand\Prob{{\mathbf{Pr}}} \DeclareMathOperator\subg{\mathbf{subG}} \newcommand\cN{{\cal N}} \newcommand\cS{{\cal S}} \newcommand\cD{{\cal D}} \newcommand\cM{{\cal M}} \newcommand\cE{{\cal E}} \newcommand\cC{{\cal C}} \newcommand\KJL{K_{\mathbb{JL}}} \newcommand\tO{{\tilde O}} \newcommand\tx{{\tilde{\mathbf{x}}}} \newcommand\tX{{\tilde{\mathbf{X}}}} \newcommand\tY{{\tilde{\mathbf{Y}}}} \newcommand\tA{{\tilde{\mathbf{A}}}} \newcommand\bA{{\mathbf{A}}} \newcommand\ba{{\mathbf{a}}} \newcommand\bw{{\mathbf{w}}} \newcommand\bW{{\mathbf{W}}} \newcommand\bR{{\mathbf{R}}} \newcommand\bB{{\mathbf{B}}} \newcommand\bQ{{\mathbf{Q}}} \newcommand\bZ{{\mathbf{Z}}} \newcommand\bz{{\mathbf{z}}} \newcommand\bU{{\mathbf{U}}} \newcommand\bV{{\mathbf{V}}} \newcommand\bX{{\mathbf{X}}} \newcommand\bS{{\mathbf{S}}} \newcommand\hS{\hat {\mathbf{S}}} \newcommand\bs{{\mathbf{s}}} \newcommand\bx{{\mathbf{x}}} \newcommand\by{{\mathbf{y}}} \newcommand\bb{{\mathbf{b}}} \newcommand\bT{{\mathbf{T}}} \newcommand\bP{{\mathbf{P}}} \newcommand\bG{{\mathbf{G}}} \newcommand\bY{{\mathbf{Y}}} \newcommand\hY{\hat {\mathbf{Y}}} \newcommand\bH{{\mathbf{H}}} \newcommand\bD{{\mathbf{D}}} \newcommand\be{{\mathbf{e}}} \newcommand\br{{\mathbf{r}}} \newcommand\bSig{{\mathbf{\Sigma}}} \newcommand\bPi{{\mathbf{\Pi}}} \newcommand\hphi{{\hat\phi}} \)

Sketching for Matrix Computations:
Subsampled Randomized Hadamard Transforms

Ken Clarkson
IBM Research, Almaden

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Fast Hadamard

  • In the original JL:
    • Pick random orthogonal matrix `\bQ `
    • Sketching matrix `\bS\equiv` the first `m` rows of `\bQ `
    • `O(mnd)` time to compute `\bS\bA `
  • A faster scheme: pick a random orthogonal matrix, but:
    • "Less random"
    • Faster to apply

The SRHT is a matrix $\bP\bH\bD$, applied on the left, where:

  • `\bD` is diagonal with uniform i.d. `\pm 1` on diagonal
  • `\bH` is a Hadamard matrix (orthogonal, fast multiply)
  • `\bP\in\R^{m\times n}` uniformly samples rows of `\bH\bD`

Hadamard: definition

Hadamard matrices have a recursive construction

Let `\bH_0\in\R^{1\times 1}` be the matrix `[1]`.
Let `\bH_{i+1}\equiv\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left[\begin{matrix}\bH_i & \bH_i\\\bH_i & -\bH_i\end{matrix}\right]` for `i\ge 0`
So $$ \begin{align*} \bH_1 & \equiv\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left[\begin{matrix} 1 & 1\\ 1 & -1\end{matrix}\right], \bH_2 = \frac{1}{2}\left[\begin{matrix} 1 & 1 & 1 & 1\\ 1 & -1 & 1 & -1\\1 & 1 & -1 & -1\\1 & -1 & -1 & 1\\\end{matrix}\right] \end{align*} $$

Hadamard: properties

  • Orthogonality: easy to see inductively $$\bH_{i+1}^\top\bH_{i+1} = \bH_{i+1}^2 = \frac12\left[\begin{matrix}\bH_i^2 & \bH_i^2 -\bH_i^2\\\bH_i^2 -\bH_i^2 & \bH_i^2\end{matrix}\right] = \Iden$$
  • Fast multiply: suppose `\bx =\left[\begin{smallmatrix} \bx' \\ \bx''\end{smallmatrix}\right]\in\R^{2^k}`
    • Where `\bx ',\bx ''\in\R^{2^{k-1}}`
    • Then `\bH_{i+1}\bx =\left[\begin{smallmatrix} \bH_i \bx' +\bH_i\bx'' \\ \bH_i\bx' - \bH_i\bx''\end{smallmatrix}\right]`,
      so `\bH_{i+1}\bx` is linear-time computable from `\bH_i\bx'` and `\bH_i\bx''`

Analysis of Fast Hadamard (Outline)

There is $$m = O(\eps^{-2}(\sqrt{d}+\sqrt{\log(nd)})^2\log d) = \tO(d/\eps^2)$$ so that with failure probability `O(1/d)`, `\bP\bH\bD ` is an `\eps`-embedding of `\colspan(\bA )`. `\bP\bH\bD\bA ` can be computed in `O(nd\log m)` time.
Proof outline:
  1. Bound the leverage scores of `\bH\bD\bA ` by roughly `O(d/n)`: $$(\sqrt{d/n}+\sqrt{8\log(n/\beta})^2$$ with failure probability `\beta`
  2. Use leverage score sampling, paying a factor `\eps^{-2}\log d`.

Part 2 is proven elsewhere in these lectures.

Leverage scores of `\bH\bD\bA ` (outline)

  • We assume WLOG that `\bA ` has orthonormal columns
    • Via obliviousness
    `\implies\bH\bD\bA ` has orthonormal columns $$(\bH\bD\bA )^\top\bH\bD\bA = \bA^\top\bD^\top\bH^\top\bH\bD\bA = \Iden$$ `\implies` it's enough to bound the row norms of `\bH\bD\bA `
  • For fixed `i`, let `f(\bD )\equiv\norm{\be_i^\top\bH\bD\bA }`
    • A function on diagonal matrices
    • `\E[f(\bD )]\le\sqrt{d/n}` (next slide)
    • `f` is convex, Lipschitz `\implies` tail estimate for `f(\bD )`
  • Use union bound over rows `i`

`\E[f(\bD )]\le\sqrt{d/n}`

We have $$\E[f(\bD )]^2 = \E[\norm{\be_i^\top\bH\bD\bA }]^2\le\E[\norm{\be_i^\top\bH\bD\bA }^2]$$ and $$ \norm{\be_i^\top\bH\bD\bA }^2 = \sum_{j\in[d]} (\be_i^\top\bH\bD\bA_{*j})^2. $$


  • each column `\bA_{*j}` is a unit vector
  • `\be_i^\top\bH\bD ` is a vector of i.d. `\pm 1`, scaled by `1/\sqrt{n}`
we have `\E[(\be_i^\top\bH\bD\bA_{*j})^2] = \norm{\bA_{i*}}^2/n = 1/n`, and $$\E[f(\bD )]^2\le\sum_{j\in[d]} 1/n = d/n,$$ so `\E[f(\bD )]\le\sqrt{d/n}`, as claimed.

Building a better `\bS `

  • Sparse embeddings take `O(\nnz{\bA })` to apply, but `m=O(d^2/\eps^2)`, or `O(d^{1+\gamma}+d/\eps)` etc, is big.
  • `O(\nnz{\bA }/\eps)` to apply, with `m=O(d^{1+\gamma}/\eps^2)`, is possible
    • For sparse embeddings with `s\gt 1` nonzeros per column
  • Or: `O(\nnz{\bA }) +\tO(d^3/\eps^2)` to map to `m= \tO(d/\eps^2)`
    • First apply a sparse embedding, then SHRT
    • Subspace embeddings compose
    • Matrix product approximators compose

Further Reading

The analysis outline is cribbed from:

Joel Tropp. Improved analysis of the subsampled randomized Hadamard transform.