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Sketching for Matrix Computations:
Sparse Embeddings
Ken Clarkson
IBM Research, Almaden
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Faster embeddings: countsketch
A sketching matrix of i.i.d. sub-Gaussians is good but slow:
- \bS is an embedding with high probability
- Computing \bS\bA takes \Omega(mnd) time
We will show a faster scheme, and use the reduction
embedding \rightarrow mat mult \rightarrow single estimate
to analyze it.
Sparse Embeddings
- Adaptation of
from streaming algorithms
- \bS looks like:
0 & -1 & 0 & 0 & +1 & 0
\\ +1 & 0 & 0 & +1 & 0 & 0
\\ 0 & 0 & +1 & 0 & 0 & -1
\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0
- One random \pm 1 per column
- Row \bA_{i*} of \bA contributes \pm\bA_{i*} to one row of \bS\bA
- m= \tO(d^2)
Sparse embeddings, more precisely
i\in [n],
pick uniformly and independently:
- h_i\in [m]
- s_i\in\{+1,-1\}
\bS\in\R^{m\times n} by
\bS_{h_i, i}\gets s_i, \text{ for } i\in [n],
\bS_{j,i} \gets 0 otherwise
The s_i are "sign flips"
The array h hashes to m "hash buckets"
That is,
\bS_{j,*} = \sum_{i:\,h_i=j} s_i \be_i^\top,
[\bS\bA]_{j,*} = \sum_{i:\,h_i=j} s_i \be_i^\top \bA = \sum_{i:\,h_i=j} s_i \bA_{i,*}
Sparse Embeddings, More
- For \by = \bA\bx, each row of sparse embedding \bS :
- Collects a subset of entries of \by (into a "bucket")
- Applies random signs
- Adds
- Result is \E[\norm{\bS\by}] = \norm{\by }_2^2:
- Each bucket squared \approx squared norm of its entries
- Splitting into buckets separates big entries
- With n buckets, don't quite get \norm{\by }_2^2 exactly, always
- (Entry \rightarrow Bucket is not one-to-one)
Analysis of sparse embeddings, 1/3
From the analysis via matrix multiplication,
it's enough to analyze, for unit vector \by,
\E[(\norm{\bS\by }^2-1)^2]
& = \E[\norm{\bS\by}^4] - 2\E[\norm{\bS\by}^2] + 1
\\ & = \E[\norm{\bS\by}^4] - 1.
Let \bz = \bS\by.
\E_s[ & (\norm{\bS\by }^2 - 1)^2] + 1
= \E_s[\norm{\bz}^4]
\\ & = \E_s\left[\left[\sum_j \bz_j^2\right]^2\right]
= \sum_{j,j'} \E_s[\bz_j^2\bz_{j'}^2]
\\ & = \sum_{j,j'} \E_s[\bz_j^2]\E_s[\bz_{j'}^2] + \sum_j \E_s[\bz_j^4] - \E_s[\bz_j^2]^2
\\ & \le 1 + \sum_j \E_s[\bz_j^4]
Analysis of sparse embeddings, 2/3
We have
\bz_j = [\bS\by]_j = \sum_{i:\,h_i=j} s_i \by_i,
\sum_j \E_s[\bz_j^4] = \sum_{i,i',i'',i''':\, h_i = h_{i'} = \ldots = j} \E_s[s_i\by_i s_{i'}\by_{i'} s_{i''}\by_{i''} s_{i'''}\by_{i'''}]
which for i\ne i' is zero unless
i''=i and i'''=i', or the reverse. So
\le\frac{1}{m^2}\left[ 2\sum_{i\ne i'}\by_i^2\by_{i'}^2 +\sum_{i,i''}\by_i^2\by_{i''}^2\right]
\le\frac{3}{m^2}\norm{\by }^4 = \frac{3}{m^2}.
\E[(\norm{\bS\by }^2 - 1)^2]\le\sum_{j\in[m]}\E_{s,h}[\bz_j^4]\le\frac{3}{m}.
Analysis of sparse embeddings, 3/3
We have for \bS a sparse embedding, and unit \by ,
\norme{\Err(\by )}_{2,\bS } = \E[(\norm{\bS\by }^2 - 1)^2]^{1/2}\le K/\sqrt{m},
for constant K.
By the bound for embedding via matrix multiplication,
If K/\sqrt{m}\le\beta\delta^{1/p},
then \bS is a (\beta r)-embedding with failure probability \delta.
Here r=\rank(\bA).
With \delta = 1/9, \eps/r = \beta\ge 3K/\sqrt{m} yields
- \eps\in (0,1)
- r\equiv\rank(\bA )
There is
- m=O(r^2/\eps^2)
- \bS\in\R^{m\times n} countsketch matrix
such that
with failure probablity
\bS is an
\eps-embedding of
\colspan(\bA ).
Slightly less sparse embeddings
So far: one nonzero per column.
There are sparse embeddings where
the sketch dimension m is smaller, and
the number s of nonzeros is slightly larger.
There are sparse subspace \eps-embedding matrices \bS\in\R^{m\times n}
with sn nonzeros for matrices \bA\in\R^{n\times d} of rank r, such
s=O(\polylog(r)/\eps) and m=\tO(r/\eps^2), or
s=O(1/\eps) and m=O(r^{1+\gamma}/\eps^2) for any constant \gamma \gt 0.
In practice, small s\gt 1 has better performance [D15].
Hybrid approaches are also possible, resulting in similar
performance for some problems.