Before going back into the mathematics of faces and polarity, let's consider a couple simple algorithms from the point of view of duality.
In the algorithm of Jarvis for planar convex hulls, a line is seen to "rotate" about the sites; at each moment the line rotates about a site, until another site is hit by the line.
The rotating lines correspond to supporting halfspaces of the sites.
The polars of these halfspaces are therefore all in the polar set of the convex hull of the sites. The polars S* of the sites are halfspaces, and the polar of conv(S) is the intersection P(S*) of halfspaces.
In the polar setting, the polar of the "rotating line" is a point that moves along a line bounding the polar halfspace of some site. The motion begins at a vertex of the halfspace intersection.
The process of finding the site hit by the rotating line in "primal space"
corresponds to finding the first line hit by the moving point in "dual space".
In an incremental convex hull algorithm, the convex hull of a subset R of S is maintained, and sites are added one by one to R.
Dually, the intersection P(R*) is maintained, and halfspaces are added one by one from S*. Each additional halfspace s* clips away a portion of the previous intersection. The new vertices and edge in the dual space correspond to the new edges and vertex in the primal space.
Notice that the "clipped off" portion is itself a polygon, the intersection of the complement of s* with P(R*).
In Lecture 7, we found that a point v is a vertex iff v is not in conv(S\{v}). From this it follows that:
Lemma. If P=conv(S) is a polytope, thenProof. Suppose v is a vertex of P; then conv(S\{v}) is not equal to conv(S), and so v must be in S.vert(P) is a subset of S, and P=conv(vert(P)).
So vert(P) is a subset of S, and so P=conv(S) contains conv(vert(P)).
If x is in S but not in vert(P), then conv(S)=conv(S\{x}), and so by induction on the size of S\vert(P), conv(S)=conv(vert(P)). QED
Lemma. If P is a polyhedron, the intersection of two faces of P is a face of P.
Proof. Suppose f and g are faces, so there are supporting halfspaces
hf := {x | a·x <= b}, andwhose bounding planes intersect P at f and g. Clearly the halfspace
hg := {x | a'·x <= b'}
h := {x | (a+a')·x <= b+b'},has P a subset of h, and for any x in P,
(a+a')·x = b+b'only when both
a·x = b and a'·x = b';hence the intersection of f and g is the intersection of P with the bounding plane of h, and so is a face. QED
Lemma. Let P be a polyhedron. If g is in faces(P), and f is in faces(g), then f is in faces(P).Proof. Suppose
hg := {x | ag·x <= bg}witnesses that g is a face of P: that is, hg is supporting and g is the intersection of hg with P. Suppose
hf := {x | af·x <= bf}is a witness that f is a face of g.
Notice that hf does not necessarily contain P. Now for value z, consider
hz := {x | (ag + zaf)x <= bg + zbf}.That is, h0=hg. Notice that f is in the bounding plane of hz, for any z.
Suppose P=conv(S1)+cone(S0). Now pick z>0, but small enough that all S1 and S0 are included in hz. Then P is in hz, but the intersection of P with the bounding plane of hz is f. Hence f is a face of P. QED
Corollary. Let P be a polyhedron. If g is in faces(P), thenfaces(g)={f in faces(P) | f is a subset of g}.
Proof. The previous lemma implies that the faces of g are a subset of the faces of P.
Suppose f is a face of P that lies in g. If h witnesses that f is a face of P, then h also witnesses that f is a face of g. QED
In particular, the vertices of f in vert(P) are a subset of the vertices of P, and so if P=conv(S), then vert(f) is a subset S, and f=conv(f intersect S).
We've seen that for a polyhedron P and a,b,c in faces(P):
P is a face of P; if a is a face of b is a face of c, then a is a face of c.and easily:
if a is a face of b and b is a face of a, then a=b.
That is, the faces can be partially ordered under the "is a face of" relation. The fact that the intersection of two faces is a face implies also that the faces form a mathematical structure called a lattice.
We've seen that the polar of a cone is cone. There is a fundamental relation between the faces of a cone C and its polar C*.
Suppose f is a face of C, and h={x | h*·x <= 0} is a witness to this. Since h is supporting, h* is a member of C*. Let fo be the subset of C* comprising all h* for which h is a witness for f. That is,
fo := {y | y·x <0 for all x in C\f, y·x = 0 for all x in f}.Moreover,
fo = {y | y·x <0 for all x in extr(C)\extr(f), y·x = 0 for all x in extr(f)},and so fo is a face of C*: it is the intersection of C* with the a set of planes associated with the vertices of f.
From the description of fo, it's immediate that
f is a face of g iff go is a face of fo.
Is fo=f*?
What is fo if C is given as an intersection of halfspaces? We suppose for now that f is determined by the bounding planes of some subset Hf of H.
Lemma. If C=P(H), and f is a face of C given byf = {x | h*·x <0 for h in H\Hf, h*·x = 0 for h in Hf},then fo=cone(Hf*).
Proof. Any member y of Hf* has
y·x = 0 for all x in f, andand any positive combinations of such y's preserves these conditions, so cone(Hf*) is a subset of fo.
y·x < 0 for all x in C\f,
On the other hand, if y is in fo, then y is in cone(H*), so y=sumh* in H* ch h*, with all ch>=0. If ch>0 for h* not in Hf*, then y·x < 0 for x in f, which cannot happen for y in fo. Hence y is in cone(H<fsup>*). QED
Lemma. If C is a cone and f is a face of C, then foo=f.
Proof. If C=cone(S), and f= cone(Sf), then
fo = {y | y·h* <0 for all h in (S\Sf)*, y·h* = 0 for all h in Sf*},and foo = cone(Sf**)= cone(Sf)=f, using the previous lemma. QED
Thus, the mapping f-->fo is a 1-1 correspondence between the faces of C and the faces of C*, and reverses the "is a face of" relation.
A similar mapping holds between the faces of a polyhedron and the faces of its polar.
From this relation, we can get some additional facts about polyhedra, for example, that a face is the intersection of the facets containing it.
Upper Bound Theorem. A polytope with n vertices in d dimensions has Theta(nfloor(d/2)) facets.
That is, for d=2 or 3, floor(d/2)=1 so the hull has linear complexity. In fact, using Euler's relation, a polytope in three dimension whose n vertices are in general position has exactly 2n-4 facets.
In four or five dimensions, a polyhedron with n vertices can have as many as Theta(n2) facets.
As I've mentioned before, there is a very close relation between Delaunay triangulations and convex hulls; the Delaunay graph of a set of sites in d dimensions can be found by computing the convex hull of a corresponding set of sites in d+1 dimensions.
How does this work for planar Delaunay graphs?
Define a mapping dlift on points in the plane as follows; for a point x in the plane, let dlift(x) := [x x2] = [x x·x] = (x1, x2, x12+x22),when p=(x1,x2). The image of the plane under dlift, or D := dlift(E2) = {dlift(x) | x a point},is a paraboloid of revolution. | ![]() |
Say that a plane h is nonvertical if h does not contain two points with the same x and y coordinates. For any such plane, the idea of above and below is well-defined: a given point in 3-space is either above, on, or below a nonvertical plane.
Lemma. The projection of the intersection of a nonvertical plane h with D is either empty, a point, or a circle.
Proof. A nonvertical plane h can be written as
h={[x z] | x in E2, z = x·a + b},or as
h={[x z] | x in E2, z = 2x·p - p·p + c}, where p := a/2 and c := b + p·p.
The vertical distance between a point [x z] on h and the paraboloid D is x·x - z, or
x·x - 2x·p + p·p - c = (x-p)·(x-p) - c = r2 - c,where r2 is the squared distance from x to p.
The relation of h and D depends on c:
c < 0: | the vertical distance from D to any point on h is positive, and h is below D everywhere. | ||||
c=0: | the vertical distance is zero at x=p, and positive everywhere else: that is, h is tangent to D at [p, p2], and the intersection of h and D is the point [p p2]. | ||||
c > 0: | since the vertical distance is r2-c, it is zero when r=sqrt(c),
that is, when the point x is at distance sqrt(c) from p. Otherwise:
lower face: | a face f of conv(dlift(S)) is a lower face if there is a witness plane h for f such that h is nonvertical and dlift(S) is above or on h. |
proj(P): | For a set P in E3, the set {(x1, x2) | there is z with (x1, x2, z) in P} |
Theorem. Let f be a lower face of conv(dlift(S)). Then proj(f) is a face of the Delaunay triangulation DG(S), and every face of DG(S) is such a projection.
Proof. Since vert(f) is a subset of dlift(S), and f is a lower face, there is some witness plane h for f, which means that vert(f) is a subset of h as well. Hence there is some circle such that the projection of vert(f) is on the circle, and all other sites are outside the circle. Hence proj(f) is part of the Delaunay triangulation of S.
The converse is easily shown, using the circle containing the Delaunay cell vertices to define the needed nonvertical witness plane. QED
hs(x) | := 2 x·s - s2 |
hs | := {[x z] | z>=hs(x)} |
HS | := {hs | s in S} |
Theorem. Let f be a face of P(HS) with f a subset of hs for s in some set of sites S', then proj(f) is the Voronoi region VR(S').
Proof. For two sites s and s',
hs(x)-hs'(x) = 2 x·s - s·s - 2 x·s' - s'·s'
= (x-s)2 - (x-s')2.
That is, if the vertical distance of x to hs is greater than the vertical distance of x to hs', the x is farther to s than to s'.
Thus if x in on a face f of P(HS), where x is on the bounding planes of hs for s in some subset S', then x is is equidistant to all s in S', and farther to any site in S\S' than to any site in S'. QED
For a nonvertical upper halfspace
h = {[x z] | z >= hn·z - hz},and point p = [hn hz], let p#:= h and h# := p.
Then a point q is in h iff h# is in q#, and so a given halfspace h contains a set of points T iff h# is contained in each of the halfspaces T#; that is, h contains conv(T) iff h# is in P(T#).
Notice that the point [0 inf] is in any upper halfspace h; just at the condition that 0 be in polytope P is needed for polarity between polytopes, so the condition that the T include [0 inf] is needed for this duality mapping.
With this inclusion, the duality between DG(S) and VD(S) is then the "projection" of the duality between the lower hull of conv(dlift(S) union [0 inf]) and P(dlift(S)#).
We suppose for now that S is in general position: no d+1 sites are on a common hyperplane.
Given a set S in d dimensions, the randomized incremental algorithm maintains conv(Ri), for i=1..n, where Ri is a random subset of S.
As in the planar case, adding a site to conv(Ri) has a search phase and an update phase:
search: | find a facet of conv(Ri-1) visible to pi |
update: | find all the new facets of conv(Ri) incident to pi. |
The algorithm of Lecture 1, and that given in the text, maintain for each pk with k>j, a visible facet of Rj. This makes the search phase easy, but is offline: the sites pk must be considered throughout the algorithm.
The randomized incremental algorithm for trapezoidal diagrams
maintains a data structure for speeding search; the data structure
uses the history of TD(Ri): the trapezoids of
TD(Rj) for j
This representation is enough to navigate through the triangulation.
There is an initial root simplex, which is the convex hull of Rd+1.
The facets of the convex hull of Ri can be represented as simplices of this
triangulation: they will have a peak vertex which is null.
Say that a non-root simplex of TR(Ri-1) visited under these conditions
has a visible base facet.
Suppose that a simplex has peak vertex pj.
The search condition means that if pi had been added at time j,
then the base facet would have been visible to pi.
That is, the searched simplices correspond to facets of the hull
at different times that would be visible to pi.
For this procedure to be correct in finding a currently visible
facet, it's enough to show that such a facet is connected to the
root in the
adjacency graph on the simplices, where the path comprises simplices
with visible base facets. Such a path can be found by walking the
line segment between pi and some point inside the root simplex.
Each simplex along the walk has a visible base facet.
The updating procedure considers each simplex with a visible base facet
and null peak vertex, and changes the peak vertex to be pi.
Some additional simplices are created: those corresponding to
facets of conv(Ri) incident to pi. Suppose r is a ridge
contained in a facet visible to pi and also contained in a facet
not visible to pi. Then conv(r union {pi}) is a facet of conv(Ri);
considered in the polar, ro is a line segment between two vertices,
and pi* has a bounding plane cutting ro, yielding a new vertex.
Suppose the expected number of facets of conv(Ri) is fi.
We are interested in bounding the total number of base facets generated
up to time i.
We count the expected number of convex hulls facets created when pi
is added:
Summing up to i gives the theorem. QED
Let M be the set of base facets for the sequence p1...pi-1,
and let M' be the set of base facets for the sequence pi, p1...pi-1;
that is M' is the set of base facets in the "alternative" history where
pi is added to the random subset first.
The set M\M' is the set
of base facets visible to pi (hence not in M').
The set M'\M is
the set of base facets incident to pi in the alternative history.
We have
From the analysis of updates, we have
To bound the expected number of base facets in M'\M,
we consider the expected number created when pj is added.
Let R'j denote Rj union {pi}.
We want the expected number of facets of R'j incident to both pj and to
Since pi and pj are random elements of R'j, this is
Summing up to i gives the theorem.
From this analysis, the following results are easy:
Here we use the history of the convex hull construction in a particularly
convenient way: we keep a triangulation TR(Ri) of
Ri which encodes
the history of the construction of conv(Ri), as follows:
when pi is added,
for each facet f of conv(Ri) visible to pi,
a simplex t=conv(f union {pi})
is added to TR(Ri).
The facet f
will be called the base facet of t, and pi will be called t's
peak vertex.
The triangulation TR(Ri) is represented so that for each simplex t in
TR(Ri), t knows each of its vertices v , and the corresponding simplex
tv opposite v, where tv has all the vertices of t except v.
To search TR(Ri-1) to find a facet, start at the root simplex,
and do the following:
a simplex is the root,
or has a peak vertex on the same side of it base facet as pi,
search the neighbors of the simplex.
until the visited simplex has a null peak.
Analysis of Update
Theorem. The expected number of base facets of TR(Ri) is
no more than
sumj<=i dfi/i.
= the expected number of facets of conv(Ri)
incident to pi
= the expected number of facets of conv(Ri) incident to a
random element of Ri
= dfi/i, since each facet is incident to d elements of Ri
Analysis of search
Theorem. If the expected number of facets of conv(Ri) is fi,
then the expected number of visible base facets for pi
is no more than
sumj<=i d(d-1)fj/j(j-1).
|M| + |M'\M| = |M'| + |M\M'|,
and we want to know E|M\M'|, which leads to the problem of bounding
E|M| - E|M'| + E|M'\M|.
E|M| - E|M'| = sumj < i dfi/i - sumj<=i dfi/i = -dfi/i.
since each facet is incident to {d choose 2} pairs of sites,
and there are {i choose 2} equally likely pairs of sites,
and we are averaging over all random subsets R'j.
A randomized incremental algorithm can be used to compute the convex
hull of a set of n points
in d dimensions in Theta(nfloor(d/2)) expected time,
and the Delaunay triangulation in Theta(nceil(d/2)) expected time.
If the point set is such that the expected size of the convex hull
of a random subset is O(i) for i=1..n, then the expected time needed
by the algorithm is O(n log n).